2021 children's standard weight self-test! Being overweight affects growth and health! (recommended collection)
2021 children's standard weight self-test! Being overweight affects growth and health! (recommended collection)
It is not a trivial matter for children to be obese. Parents should pay attention to it.

1-6 months: body weight (kg) = birth weight (kg) + month age

7-12 months: Standard weight (kg) = birth weight (kg) + month age x 0.5

over 1 year: Standard weight (kg) = 8 + full age × 2

shut up


after a long time, the weight naturally increases.


shut up

pan> balanced nutrition and good eating habits.

second, time and quantity, do not overeat.

step on your legs


should accumulate at least an hour of moderate or medium intensity training every day.


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I hope parents will pay more attention to the weight of their babies and don't take it improperly, help children return to normal weight as soon as possible, and don't let obesity affect their lives.

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* this article is the official account of mother's manual (ID:jqfans) and mother and baby followed by 4 million baby mothers. Author: Chen Ma, a baby mother with rich parenting experience, shares parenting knowledge, parenting education experience, marriage and family feelings, and grows up with thousands of parents.

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* this article is the official account of mother's manual (ID:jqfans) and mother and baby followed by 4 million baby mothers. Author: Chen Ma, a baby mother with rich parenting experience, shares parenting knowledge, parenting education experience, marriage and family feelings, and grows up with thousands of parents.