The younger the age, the better the effect of vaccination.\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "900\" style=\ "width: 100% political height: auto;\">\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
" Adult vaccine "or" child vaccine "\ "data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 21\ "style=\" display:block;\ ">
pan>\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
Need a perfect fit bridesmaid purple gowns for every occasion? We are here to help you look glamorous.
" Adult vaccine "or" child vaccine "\ "data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 21\ "style=\" display:block;\ ">
many young women even travel to and from Hong Kong and even abroad several times to inject nine-valent vaccines with scarce supplies.
, however, it is unknown that the golden age of HPV vaccine is teenagers.\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
Why should teenagers be advised
what about early vaccination against cervical cancer (HPV)?\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
pan>\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
vaccinated with HPV
can form a strong group immune barrier\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
abroad, by bringing the HPV vaccine into the national immunization program and injecting teenagers, so as to achieve immunity in a large area of the population, which is similar to the recently popular word strong> (herd effects). many people should be shocked by the public speech by Valens, the UK's chief scientific adviser, who proposed a policy of group immunization to deal with the epidemic in Britain.\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "320\" style=\ "width: 100% height auto: \ ">
Colony immunity (herd immunity) simply means that when a population exceeds a certain threshold or a certain proportion of people are immune to certain pathogens, the spread of the disease in this population will be stopped naturally. but the practice in the UK is not mass immunity at all. The screenshot below is a description of strong, in which the core word of is the last vaccines. Yes, in fact, the population immunity hypothesis is based on the immunity produced by the vaccine, especially to evaluate the effect of vaccine use.\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "415\" style=\ "width: 100% height: auto \ "> ection> but the HPV vaccine, after several studies, has been proved to be effective in preventing cervical cancer, and the prevalence rate of women has decreased significantly within 5 to 8 years after vaccination. even when the vaccination rate is only 40%, the group immune effect can occur.
according to previous data, conditional areas can increase the vaccination coverage of local women of the right age to 50%, so the number of local infections can be reduced by about 70%. So not only do you have to be vaccinated, but also actively mobilize people around you to get vaccinated.\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
bivalent, tetravalent or nine valence\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block \ "
bivalent, tetravalent and nine-valent, which are suitable for women aged 9-45, 20-45 and 16-26 years old, respectively. many people keep nine-valent vaccines and often have to wait in line, so it's hard to get an injection. qualified young women travel to and from Hong Kong and even foreign countries several times for vaccination. Those without conditions are waiting hard. is it necessary to wait any longer? for the sake of the 5.5% protection rate of the nine-valent vaccine, the delay in vaccination is actually a risk of about 84.5%. recently, the results of a study in Vaccine, an international medical journal published in the field of vaccines, show that according to the fact that if all Chinese women of the right age postpone vaccination for one year, the number of new infections this year will be more than 5 million. In fact, at least 300000 girls between the ages of 9 and 15 are infected every year because they are not vaccinated. The greater the number of group infections, the higher the risk of individual infection.\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 780\ "style=\" width: 100% height auto
Don't wait, early vaccination is the right way.\" data-cropselx1=\ "0\" data-cropselx2=\ "562\" data-cropsely1=\ "0\" data-cropsely2=\ "316\" data-ratio=\ "0.66666666666666\" data-src=\ " /hj2vWVJcBiaUbcJ9Kthkowq6EIRogIy4cWIzRyF9GicwxefkDXUUOKZ7IsFs8q1DFGOEZFE1DPbhGGrf3d4Dv8Uw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg\ "data-type=\" jpeg\ "data-w=\" 1080\ "style=\ 'font-family:-apple-system-font BlinkMacSystemFont,\ "Helvetica Neue\",\ "PingFang SC\",\ "Hiragino Sans GB\",\ "Microsoft YaHei UI\",\ "Microsoft YaHei\", Arial, sans-serif Letter-spacing: 0.544pxleft: center;width: 100% section style=: visible! important;height: auto;\'> tetravalent and bivalent are almost the same in HPV virus protection rate, and there is no need to wait in line. the World Health Organization made it clear in 2017: " available evidence shows that, from a public health point of view, there is no difference in immunogenicity, efficacy and efficacy of bivalent, tetravalent and nine-valent vaccines in preventing type 16 and 18 HPV-related cervical cancer, and all three vaccines can prevent most related cancers. "
therefore, for the target vaccination population, you should be vaccinated as soon as possible when there are vaccination conditions, and do not miss the best vaccination time because of waiting. vaccination of cervical cancer at the best age is the most important. The younger the age of xa0, the better the effect of vaccination. 9-14 years old, you can get three shots with only two injections. Xa0 but it should also be noted that HPV vaccination is an important preventive measure, but it is not all. healthy lifestyle, correct sexual behavior and regular cervical cancer screening are also extremely important! if you have conditions, you still have a girl at home, and if you don't know anything, get the vaccine first! 1. World Health Organization. Electronic addrEss swi. Human papillomavirus vaccines: WHO position paper, May 2017-Recommendations. Vaccine 2017; 35 (43): 5753-5. 2. Rgb M, Benard E, Drolet M, et al. Population-level impact, herd immunity, and elimination after human papillomavirus vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis of predictions from transmission-dynamic models. Lancet Public Health 2016; 1 (1): e8-e17. 3. Drolet M, Benard E, Boily MC, et al. Population-level impact and herd effects following human papillomavirus vaccination programmes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2015; 15 (5): 565-80. 4. Drolet M, Benard E, Perez N, Brisson M, Group HPVVIS. Population-level impact and herd effects following the introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination programmes: updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2019,394 (10197): 497-509.
hitespace: normal Background-color: rgb (255,255,255); text-align: center;line-height: 1.5emboxSumsizing: border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;\'> -xa0END-\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
vaccinated with HPV
can form a strong group immune barrier\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
bivalent, tetravalent or nine valence\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block \ "
bivalent, tetravalent and nine-valent, which are suitable for women aged 9-45, 20-45 and 16-26 years old, respectively. many people keep nine-valent vaccines and often have to wait in line, so it's hard to get an injection. qualified young women travel to and from Hong Kong and even foreign countries several times for vaccination. Those without conditions are waiting hard. is it necessary to wait any longer? for the sake of the 5.5% protection rate of the nine-valent vaccine, the delay in vaccination is actually a risk of about 84.5%. recently, the results of a study in Vaccine, an international medical journal published in the field of vaccines, show that according to the fact that if all Chinese women of the right age postpone vaccination for one year, the number of new infections this year will be more than 5 million. In fact, at least 300000 girls between the ages of 9 and 15 are infected every year because they are not vaccinated. The greater the number of group infections, the higher the risk of individual infection.\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 780\ "style=\" width: 100% height auto
Don't wait, early vaccination is the right way.\" data-cropselx1=\ "0\" data-cropselx2=\ "562\" data-cropsely1=\ "0\" data-cropsely2=\ "316\" data-ratio=\ "0.66666666666666\" data-src=\ " /hj2vWVJcBiaUbcJ9Kthkowq6EIRogIy4cWIzRyF9GicwxefkDXUUOKZ7IsFs8q1DFGOEZFE1DPbhGGrf3d4Dv8Uw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg\ "data-type=\" jpeg\ "data-w=\" 1080\ "style=\ 'font-family:-apple-system-font BlinkMacSystemFont,\ "Helvetica Neue\",\ "PingFang SC\",\ "Hiragino Sans GB\",\ "Microsoft YaHei UI\",\ "Microsoft YaHei\", Arial, sans-serif Letter-spacing: 0.544pxleft: center;width: 100% section style=: visible! important;height: auto;\'> tetravalent and bivalent are almost the same in HPV virus protection rate, and there is no need to wait in line. the World Health Organization made it clear in 2017: " available evidence shows that, from a public health point of view, there is no difference in immunogenicity, efficacy and efficacy of bivalent, tetravalent and nine-valent vaccines in preventing type 16 and 18 HPV-related cervical cancer, and all three vaccines can prevent most related cancers. "
therefore, for the target vaccination population, you should be vaccinated as soon as possible when there are vaccination conditions, and do not miss the best vaccination time because of waiting. vaccination of cervical cancer at the best age is the most important. The younger the age of xa0, the better the effect of vaccination. 9-14 years old, you can get three shots with only two injections. Xa0 but it should also be noted that HPV vaccination is an important preventive measure, but it is not all. healthy lifestyle, correct sexual behavior and regular cervical cancer screening are also extremely important! if you have conditions, you still have a girl at home, and if you don't know anything, get the vaccine first! 1. World Health Organization. Electronic addrEss swi. Human papillomavirus vaccines: WHO position paper, May 2017-Recommendations. Vaccine 2017; 35 (43): 5753-5. 2. Rgb M, Benard E, Drolet M, et al. Population-level impact, herd immunity, and elimination after human papillomavirus vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis of predictions from transmission-dynamic models. Lancet Public Health 2016; 1 (1): e8-e17. 3. Drolet M, Benard E, Boily MC, et al. Population-level impact and herd effects following human papillomavirus vaccination programmes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2015; 15 (5): 565-80. 4. Drolet M, Benard E, Perez N, Brisson M, Group HPVVIS. Population-level impact and herd effects following the introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination programmes: updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2019,394 (10197): 497-509.
hitespace: normal Background-color: rgb (255,255,255); text-align: center;line-height: 1.5emboxSumsizing: border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;\'> -xa0END-\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block;\">
bivalent, tetravalent or nine valence\" data-type=\ "png\" data-w=\ "21\" style=\ "display:block \ "