The operating room of obstetrics and gynecology is the best place to see through human nature.\");width: 2.5emplaceHeights: rgb (255,255,255); font-size: 1emscape height: 3emscape inline-block: Background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 100% num position: 0px center;\'> 2
people say that it is difficult for a woman to give birth to a child, and it is hard to say whether she can take the Sutra at last.
in the past, the probability of women dying by giving birth is as high as 10%. Although medicine is developed and the mortality rate is reduced, accidents that may occur at any time during childbirth are still frightening.
in the documentary "the second Birthday of the World," 42-year-old Ying Xianmei tried IVF five times to realize her dream baby and gave birth for as long as 10 hours.
"for a moment, I felt like I couldn't make it." She recalls.
fortunately, she persevered in giving birth at the dead age, and gave birth to a hard-won child.
the scene of a family hugging and crying makes people both moving and sad.\ "data-oversubscription-url=\"\" data-ratio=\ "0.5522620904836193\" data-src=\ "\" data-type=\" jpeg\ "data-w=\" 641\ "style=\" width: 100% position height: auto;\ ">
another mother, Lin Qin, bought a son she was looking forward to day and night at the price of " taking off the uterus "and" 10,000 milliliters of blood ".
it's a good thing the mother and son returned to the ward, and there was no trace of joy on the mother's face.
facing the camera, tears rolled in her eyes: "in fact, I think it's better to be a man, at least not to suffer so much."\" data-oversubscription-url=\"\" data-ratio=\ "0.5507020280811232\ "data-src=\"\" data-type=\ "jpeg\" data-w=\ "641\" style=\ "width: 100% br height: auto;\">
you don't have to fight with oil, salt and vinegar on the three-foot stove. you don't have to face endless cleaning and dirty clothes. you don't have to work hard to lift pregnant swollen feet and be said to be "white rice eaters". you don't have to risk your life to have a baby, but it is considered to be nothing more than that.
Men cannot experience the pain of giving birth all their lives. They just naively think that having a baby is as simple as eating.\ "); width: 2.5emscape height: 3emposition color: rgb (255,255,255); font-size: 1emposition: 3emscape display: inline-block;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 100% num position: 0px center;\'> 3
90% of the men chose the house, and all the women chose the children, without exception.
"the baby is easy to give birth, but the house is not easy to buy."
for men, children may be nothing more than "digging a hole, burying some dirt, and counting 12345", and naturally no house is worth more than a million dollars.\" data-ratio=\ "0.562012142237641\" data-src=\ "\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 1153\ "style=\" width: 100% png height: auto \ ">
even if he has a lot of money, he is equally selfish in the face of his wife and children. " a house "does not want to give.\" data-ratio=\ "0.562012142237641\" data-src=\ "\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 1153\ "style=\" width: 100% png height: auto \ ">
this question simply doesn't hold true for women, because even the White House can't be compared to the child she conceived in October.\" data-ratio=\ "0.5625\" data-src=\ "\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 1152\ "style=\" width: 100% cross height: auto \ ">
it was a little life that I had experienced nausea and vomiting, endured ten levels of labor pains, cut open eight layers of skin, and traded for a scar that will never disappear.
is more priceless than anything else in the world.\" data-ratio=\ "0.563082133784928\" data-src=\ "\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 1181\ "style=\" width: 100% png height: auto \ ">
feel his heartbeat for the first time, hold his little hand for the first time, hear him shout" Mom "for the first time, and look at the sprout of this new life. Moms just feel as if it's all worth it.
"I just want to give him the best love in the world."
this kind of love is something that men who use their houses to equate their children will not know for the rest of their lives.\ "); width: 2.5emscape height: 3emposition color: rgb (255,255,255); font-size: 1emscape linecolor: inline-block;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 100% num position: 0px center;\'> 4
A doctor friend once told me that the operating table of obstetrics and gynaecology is a place to face life and death directly , because here, one step forward is a new life, and the next step is disaster.
every mother who "survives" on the operating table deserves praise.
because 80% of mothers have the urge to give up when giving birth, and severe pain destroys their hearts again and again.
the operating room of obstetrics and gynaecology is also the best place to see through human nature , there are pregnant women who" lay down eighteen layers of hell "in the operating room, and husbands who plan hospitalization expenses outside the operating room.
he said:" it is true that some men's indifferent attitude makes you want to hit others, but those couples who love each other deeply touch me to the heart every time. "\" data-cropselx1=\" 0\ "data-cropselx2=\" 558\ "data-cropsely1=\" 0\ "data-cropsely2=\" 255\ "data-ratio=\" 0.5633802816901409\ "data-src=\" Wx_fmt=gif\ "data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" 639\ "style=\" width: 558px Height: 314px;\ ">
the husband who holds his wife's hand in the operating room and cannot stop his tears is the first thing to do is to kiss his wife's sweaty forehead when the child is crying.
"if marriage is not heaven, it is hell."
but I hope every woman can be there.Heaven, never see hell.
I only wish you a cold and clothed day for the rest of your life, an umbrella in rain, a feeling in your husband, and happiness for your children and grandchildren from now on. 2
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he said:" it is true that some men's indifferent attitude makes you want to hit others, but those couples who love each other deeply touch me to the heart every time. "\" data-cropselx1=\" 0\ "data-cropselx2=\" 558\ "data-cropsely1=\" 0\ "data-cropsely2=\" 255\ "data-ratio=\" 0.5633802816901409\ "data-src=\" Wx_fmt=gif\ "data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" 639\ "style=\" width: 558px Height: 314px;\ ">
the husband who holds his wife's hand in the operating room and cannot stop his tears is the first thing to do is to kiss his wife's sweaty forehead when the child is crying.\" data-ratio=\" 0.55555555555556\ "data-src=\"\" data-type=\ "gif\" data-w=\ "639\" style=\ "letter-spacing: 0.544px Box-sizing: border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;visibility: visible! important;height: auto;\ ">