Out of stock? Baby rations "emergency", parents must not panic!
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/VF6kXIiaYIlmC7jFqxLHeDuPX6icicDkT19Mn9AmbC8kICjL0ywKrtp6icAfWCINnt8IurjsW4V60EbFZic13Cocn6w/640?wx_fmt=png\" data-type=\" Png\ "data-w=\" 900\ "style=\ 'font-family:-apple-system-font BlinkMacSystemFont,\ "Helvetica Neue\",\ "PingFang SC\",\ "Hiragino Sans GB\",\ "Microsoft YaHei UI\",\ "Microsoft YaHei\", Arial, sans-serif Letter-spacing: 0.544pxShiWhitemurspace: normal;background-color: rgb (255,255,255); width: 100% border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;visibility: visible! important;height: auto;\>
Searching for an outstanding plus size wedding gowns under $500 to dazzle your friends? Explore our new merchandise online shop now!
first, the stability and adequacy of imported milk powder supply is the focus of parents' attention
secondly, the safety of imported milk powder is also frequently mentioned
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWiaLaG1O7hIgy9AwSsZkxRaLoWbwZuY2Uogat1lnAOpEOTBZccswgicOHbTurd9eJX4stFMmG9ribJaA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 50% 50% Backgroundrepeat: no-repeat;background-size:100%;background-attachment: scroll;border-width: 0pxbordercolor radius: 3pxborderwaystyle: dashed Border-color: rgb (255,129152); box-sizing: border-box;\'>
of course, in addition to the great attention of the local departments, Royal Mae Sujiaer is also very serious in dealing with the epidemic to ensure the normal supply of milk powder.
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWjBK6KC3oJPo8lZbUvcbibnyYxzIGxibia2FF2JmR7PN2RA8v5S8zqRnPMicBVcicJ9jTAeeDpCxtxsTNA/640?wx_fmt=png\"); Background-position: 100% font-size repeat: repeat-y;background-attachment: scroll;box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;\'> stabilize the supply of goods
when the country is affected by the incident, Royal Mercer Holland headquarters has entered a state of preparation and reserved capacity ahead of time. when the epidemic spread in Europe, the company crisis response team was set up at Royal Mercer Holland headquarters, coordinate with the Dutch local crisis response team to take various safety management measures, to ensure milk production, transportation and processing, etc., and stabilize the smooth operation of the whole production process. ection> pan> F6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTCHMo7VJAfU59oyHAdx90IkzpPTx3mbCg5XTIr7PbUeKc5BOg9FGDxw/640?wx_fmt=png\ "data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 586\ "style=\" width: 100% margin-left height: auto;\ "> during this period, Royal Mercer Holland headquarters stepped up coordination with local logistics departments and international logistics. and increase sea, land and air transport modes to improve transport efficiency and ensure market supply. whispered that Egg Mum saw these seemingly leisurely but ring-like stringent measures when searching for information. As an old mother, she felt both happy and gratified. It was really reassuring.
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWjBK6KC3oJPo8lZbUvcbibnyYxzIGxibia2FF2JmR7PN2RA8v5S8zqRnPMicBVcicJ9jTAeeDpCxtxsTNA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 100% 100% border-box;width: 100% repeat-y;background-attachment: scroll;box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;\'> strictly controlled productsQuality, nutrition
in terms of milk powder quality, there is no need to worry. Royal Maxine has always been strictly controlled by high standards in this respect. Royal Mercer comes from its own farm in the Netherlands and has supplied high-quality fresh milk to the world for 140 years. It uses advanced technology to track the health of dairy cows in real time, and the whole process of milk collection is safe and hygienic. Dairy tanker transport inspectors and ranchers must have no contact . High-quality fresh milk from their own farms must be tested and collected directly through dairy tankers, and then transported by 4 °C cold chain [1] to your own factory . and the factory and company are well prepared. when the epidemic affected the country, the Dutch headquarters and the Chinese business department jointly formulated employee safety management measures. such as collecting employee health information every day, working from home and working in shifts if necessary, and so on. The Dutch headquarters also began to take these measures one by one in March. Not only do people keep a safe distance, but in the video, cows also maintain a "social distance" , which is not lax! Xa0 mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0& Vid=wxv_1291466532635279363\ "> I believe that with the multiple escorts of Royal Meijia, the mothers can feel more at ease.
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWjBK6KC3oJPo8lZbUvcbibnyYxzIGxibia2FF2JmR7PN2RA8v5S8zqRnPMicBVcicJ9jTAeeDpCxtxsTNA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 100% 100% border-box;width: 100% repeat-y;background-attachment: scroll;box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;\'> Natural nutrition helps babies grow in all directions
in addition to helping mothers solve their concerns, Royal Mae Sujiaer is also praiseworthy in terms of nutrition. all thanks to its content [2] Natural lactoferrin content , it is well known that lactoferrin has many benefits, can regulate immunity and promote the healthy development of respiratory system and intestinal tract. While Royal Met Sujiar has lactoferrin content as high as 450mg/100g [3] . however, Royal Maxine does not disappoint people at all in terms of lactoferrin activity. ~ it adopts unique cold spray process to better retain natural activity . so not only is the lactoferrin content of Royal Maxim Gale high [2] , but also retains its natural activity. helps the healthy development of baby's respiratory system and intestinal tract, which is protective [4] Coronation !
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/VF6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTKvUlMfVkvKdnGo3szibc08noVUW9GPnMEianbWlpwcCqCObcE7YpSiasQ/640?wx_fmt=gif\" data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" 640\ "style=\" width: 100% auto height: \ " trong> trong> [5] " and "OPO similar structural lipids [5] " these two nutrients protect the baby's growth in many directions. natural milk phospholipid [5] , ratio of close source milk [6] , which can be called a golden partner with DHA, and can better promote baby's absorption of DHA,AA and other key fatty acids. naturally contains OPO similar structural lipids [5] , pan> contains nearly 20 essential fatty acids compared with artificial OPO [7] , which helps the healthy development of baby's intestinal tract and better meet the needs of baby's growth. Xa0 mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/VF6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTiazvUsmqhq3SsyicpC0VdUwje022vYtO8iaE5aghns4NN32OR5RPXru6g/640?wx_fmt=jpeg\" data-type=\ "jpeg\" data-w=\ "1280\" style=\ "width: 100% cross height: auto
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWiaLaG1O7hIgy9AwSsZkxRaLoWbwZuY2Uogat1lnAOpEOTBZccswgicOHbTurd9eJX4stFMmG9ribJaA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 50% 50% display: url: no-repeat;background-size:100%;background-attachment: scroll;border-width: 0pxbordercopyright radius: 3pxborderwaystyle: dashed Border-color: rgb (255129152); box-sizing: border-box;\'>
raising a baby has a long way to go, and it is destined to be an extraordinary journey of" mixed joys and sorrows ". Spring breeze sends warmth, "Hello" loves guardians. >
Royal Mausujia is always with parents, protecting the baby's health and supporting the baby's multi-directional growth!
you can buy Royal Mae Sujiaer by stamping
there are super value offers waiting for you.
ctivityH5/activityH5?kActUrl= https://pro.m.jd.com/mini/active/S1PvRRCtcEcjMasvsBvGWxNCJLc/index.html?wxAppName=jd\" data-miniprogram-nickname=\ "Friso Maisujiaer JD.com 's own flagship store\" href=\ "\" data-miniprogram-type=\ "image\" data-miniprogram-servicetype=\ ">
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/VF6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTDOoNT23Ypx077wB2iaA7T4zcDNvyAb2ZZ2Fvy4DYT0ibibfgET5ibzfITw/640?wx_fmt=png\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 479\ "style=\" wiDth:65%;height:auto;\ ">
carve up ten thousand yuan E card ,
if you place an order, you will have the opportunity to participate in Air Purifier draw ,
and Royal A discount of 50 yuan for new customers , don't miss it!
idth: 0.6666666666666666 data-src=\" data-src=\ "data-src= data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" 30\ "style=\" display: block;width: 1.8em \ "
[1] means that the storage temperature of fresh milk during transportation is always controlled within the range of 0-4 ℃
[2] content is outstanding: the lactoferrin content data are obtained from the website of" Milk Powder think Tank "on December 4, 2019. Paragraph 4: no lactoferrin is added
[3] the data are derived from the marked value of lactoferrin in the product nutrition composition table. No lactoferrin was added in the fourth segment.
[4] the unique cold spray process is better to retain lactoferrin activity
[5] whole milk naturally contains OPO-like structural lipids, milk phospholipids. OPO similar structure lipid is sn-2 palmitate
[6] whole milk in source milk ingredients Ratio of intimate source milk: internal laboratory test data
[7] Straarup, E. M., Lauritzen, L.A., Faerk, J.P., Hoy, C.Mey E., & Michaelsen, K. F. (2006). The stereospecific triacylglycerol structures and fatty acid profiles of human milk and infant formulas. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 293-299.
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/mHDp1zVoRDKBDA0ZjZGLrBt0JlsTFnYD6bQlamE6CicSEBCJ4N4G1tH6ja0TTZrSfIYjMsibkpcfiaoDQibriaIZicRQ/640?wx_fmt=gif\" data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" style=\ "display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;box-sizing: border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;visibility: visible! important;width: 20px! important \ "> Click trong> buy now to protect the growth of children! 03
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWjBK6KC3oJPo8lZbUvcbibnyYxzIGxibia2FF2JmR7PN2RA8v5S8zqRnPMicBVcicJ9jTAeeDpCxtxsTNA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 100% 100% border-box;width: 100% repeat-y;background-attachment: scroll;box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;\'> strictly controlled productsQuality, nutrition
in terms of milk powder quality, there is no need to worry. Royal Maxine has always been strictly controlled by high standards in this respect. Royal Mercer comes from its own farm in the Netherlands and has supplied high-quality fresh milk to the world for 140 years. It uses advanced technology to track the health of dairy cows in real time, and the whole process of milk collection is safe and hygienic. Dairy tanker transport inspectors and ranchers must have no contact . High-quality fresh milk from their own farms must be tested and collected directly through dairy tankers, and then transported by 4 °C cold chain [1] to your own factory . and the factory and company are well prepared. when the epidemic affected the country, the Dutch headquarters and the Chinese business department jointly formulated employee safety management measures. such as collecting employee health information every day, working from home and working in shifts if necessary, and so on. The Dutch headquarters also began to take these measures one by one in March. Not only do people keep a safe distance, but in the video, cows also maintain a "social distance" , which is not lax! Xa0 mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0& Vid=wxv_1291466532635279363\ "> I believe that with the multiple escorts of Royal Meijia, the mothers can feel more at ease.
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWjBK6KC3oJPo8lZbUvcbibnyYxzIGxibia2FF2JmR7PN2RA8v5S8zqRnPMicBVcicJ9jTAeeDpCxtxsTNA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 100% 100% border-box;width: 100% repeat-y;background-attachment: scroll;box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;\'> Natural nutrition helps babies grow in all directions
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWjBK6KC3oJPo8lZbUvcbibnyYxzIGxibia2FF2JmR7PN2RA8v5S8zqRnPMicBVcicJ9jTAeeDpCxtxsTNA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 100% 100% border-box;width: 100% repeat-y;background-attachment: scroll;box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;\'> Natural nutrition helps babies grow in all directions
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/Ljib4So7yuWiaLaG1O7hIgy9AwSsZkxRaLoWbwZuY2Uogat1lnAOpEOTBZccswgicOHbTurd9eJX4stFMmG9ribJaA/640?wx_fmt=png\");background-position: 50% 50% display: url: no-repeat;background-size:100%;background-attachment: scroll;border-width: 0pxbordercopyright radius: 3pxborderwaystyle: dashed Border-color: rgb (255129152); box-sizing: border-box;\'>
raising a baby has a long way to go, and it is destined to be an extraordinary journey of" mixed joys and sorrows ". Spring breeze sends warmth, "Hello" loves guardians. >
Royal Mausujia is always with parents, protecting the baby's health and supporting the baby's multi-directional growth!
you can buy Royal Mae Sujiaer by stamping
there are super value offers waiting for you.
ctivityH5/activityH5?kActUrl= https://pro.m.jd.com/mini/active/S1PvRRCtcEcjMasvsBvGWxNCJLc/index.html?wxAppName=jd\" data-miniprogram-nickname=\ "Friso Maisujiaer JD.com 's own flagship store\" href=\ "\" data-miniprogram-type=\ "image\" data-miniprogram-servicetype=\ ">
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/VF6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTDOoNT23Ypx077wB2iaA7T4zcDNvyAb2ZZ2Fvy4DYT0ibibfgET5ibzfITw/640?wx_fmt=png\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 479\ "style=\" wiDth:65%;height:auto;\ ">
carve up ten thousand yuan E card ,
if you place an order, you will have the opportunity to participate in Air Purifier draw ,
and Royal A discount of 50 yuan for new customers , don't miss it!
idth: 0.6666666666666666 data-src=\" data-src=\ "data-src= data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" 30\ "style=\" display: block;width: 1.8em \ "
[1] means that the storage temperature of fresh milk during transportation is always controlled within the range of 0-4 ℃
[2] content is outstanding: the lactoferrin content data are obtained from the website of" Milk Powder think Tank "on December 4, 2019. Paragraph 4: no lactoferrin is added
[3] the data are derived from the marked value of lactoferrin in the product nutrition composition table. No lactoferrin was added in the fourth segment.
[4] the unique cold spray process is better to retain lactoferrin activity
[5] whole milk naturally contains OPO-like structural lipids, milk phospholipids. OPO similar structure lipid is sn-2 palmitate
[6] whole milk in source milk ingredients Ratio of intimate source milk: internal laboratory test data
[7] Straarup, E. M., Lauritzen, L.A., Faerk, J.P., Hoy, C.Mey E., & Michaelsen, K. F. (2006). The stereospecific triacylglycerol structures and fatty acid profiles of human milk and infant formulas. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 293-299.
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/mHDp1zVoRDKBDA0ZjZGLrBt0JlsTFnYD6bQlamE6CicSEBCJ4N4G1tH6ja0TTZrSfIYjMsibkpcfiaoDQibriaIZicRQ/640?wx_fmt=gif\" data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" style=\ "display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;box-sizing: border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;visibility: visible! important;width: 20px! important \ "> Click trong> buy now to protect the growth of children! 04
Royal Mausujia is always with parents, protecting the baby's health and supporting the baby's multi-directional growth!
you can buy Royal Mae Sujiaer by stamping
there are super value offers waiting for you.
ctivityH5/activityH5?kActUrl= https://pro.m.jd.com/mini/active/S1PvRRCtcEcjMasvsBvGWxNCJLc/index.html?wxAppName=jd\" data-miniprogram-nickname=\ "Friso Maisujiaer JD.com 's own flagship store\" href=\ "\" data-miniprogram-type=\ "image\" data-miniprogram-servicetype=\ ">
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/VF6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTDOoNT23Ypx077wB2iaA7T4zcDNvyAb2ZZ2Fvy4DYT0ibibfgET5ibzfITw/640?wx_fmt=png\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 479\ "style=\" wiDth:65%;height:auto;\ ">
carve up ten thousand yuan E card ,
if you place an order, you will have the opportunity to participate in Air Purifier draw ,
and Royal A discount of 50 yuan for new customers , don't miss it!
idth: 0.6666666666666666 data-src=\" data-src=\ "data-src= data-type=\" gif\ "data-w=\" 30\ "style=\" display: block;width: 1.8em \ "
you can buy Royal Mae Sujiaer by stamping
there are super value offers waiting for you.
ctivityH5/activityH5?kActUrl= https://pro.m.jd.com/mini/active/S1PvRRCtcEcjMasvsBvGWxNCJLc/index.html?wxAppName=jd\" data-miniprogram-nickname=\ "Friso Maisujiaer JD.com 's own flagship store\" href=\ "\" data-miniprogram-type=\ "image\" data-miniprogram-servicetype=\ ">
mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/VF6kXIiaYIlnLDCKYGYWz0xpS4iaEeUXXTDOoNT23Ypx077wB2iaA7T4zcDNvyAb2ZZ2Fvy4DYT0ibibfgET5ibzfITw/640?wx_fmt=png\" data-type=\" png\ "data-w=\" 479\ "style=\" wiDth:65%;height:auto;\ ">
carve up ten thousand yuan E card ,
if you place an order, you will have the opportunity to participate in Air Purifier draw ,
and Royal A discount of 50 yuan for new customers , don't miss it!
[1] means that the storage temperature of fresh milk during transportation is always controlled within the range of 0-4 ℃
[2] content is outstanding: the lactoferrin content data are obtained from the website of" Milk Powder think Tank "on December 4, 2019. Paragraph 4: no lactoferrin is added
[3] the data are derived from the marked value of lactoferrin in the product nutrition composition table. No lactoferrin was added in the fourth segment.
[4] the unique cold spray process is better to retain lactoferrin activity
[5] whole milk naturally contains OPO-like structural lipids, milk phospholipids. OPO similar structure lipid is sn-2 palmitate
[6] whole milk in source milk ingredients Ratio of intimate source milk: internal laboratory test data