If you don't follow your child blindly, you can get twice the result with half the effort only if it is appropriate.
"the mother exercises her daughter to come home independently but gets lost": inappropriate love is hurting the child.
It is the happiest and most unrepentant thing for every parent to accompany their children to grow up.
Whether the child is smart or not depends on what he says.
The human heart is easy to change, and human nature is changeable.
The four stupidity of human nature (profound)
Let children grow up in educated, loving, warm families.
These actions of the mother affect the child's life, if you don't pay attention, it will be too late!
Their own lives, their own joy, their own treasure.
Adult feelings are fragile.
May the person in your heart be the one in front of you, cherish what you have and stay together forever.
The chat records between mother-in-law and husband were exposed, and these five words brutally revealed the truth of marriage.
A man's great skill is to plant flowers in his own heart.
There is a kind of top kindness, which is called managing your emotions.
Feel the world with your children!
The best way to educate children is hidden in this movie!
In an avalanche, not a single snowflake is innocent, and every participant is an accomplice.
She died suddenly, stinging all over the network: "so many people love you, have a good journey."