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Think about something before you go to bed
A man has a lot of leisure, but he is busy to solve a thousand sorrows.
Idle people worry, lazy people get sick, busy people.
What kind of water the baby drinks is related to health!
Is it healthy to drink water and "drink" the baby? 90% of mom did it wrong!
May you be able to read the truth of life and live the ideal appearance better.
Life poisonous words, every sentence to the bone (classic)
When you are strong enough, dignitaries will meet you unexpectedly.
Amazing "moments Law": when you are strong, you will have the most dignitaries.
To accompany children is actually a self-cultivation of parents!
Companionship is not to please children, but a two-way growth between parents and children.
May every parent be a beacon in their child's life.
A messy family cannot raise a good child.
Behind the chaos of the live broadcast, it is the atmosphere of the whole society that is corrupted.
CCTV named and banned! He was suddenly arrested, and the news was angrily reprimanded by the whole network: he really deserved it!
It turns out that ordinary-looking breast milk is so "magical"!
[520 guarding the power of breast milk] 90% of parents don't know the composition of baby's rations!
In interpersonal communication, the greatest sobriety is to keep each other's bottom line.
The greatest sobriety of adults: people can't get used to it and can't look forward to it.