By the age of 3, the weight of the brain has reached 80% of that of an adult.
The golden development period of 0-6 years old, do this well, it is difficult for children not to be excellent!
Love with your heart and live with your strength.
What is the most important thing in a life that can't be repeated?
Live a beautiful life
Think about something before you go to bed
Tick! Mom's "summer vacation mode" has been turned on.
The practice of being a mother is hidden in every detail.
May you and I both make good use of the power of emotional value to solve the worries of life and marriage.
The greatest sorrow of middle-aged marriage is not cheating, not lack of money, but.
​ learns to reduce social interaction, restrain his desires and protect himself from emotional influences.
After middle age, please live at a low temperature.
The little girl became Superman because she loved the cute little monster!
Without the following skills, is mom still Superman?
To live well in this life, without asking the afterlife, is the highest way to live.
A wise man will never ask for the rest of his life.
Life is really hard, learning to cross by yourself is the best way for a person to become stronger.
The best way for a person to become strong is to learn to cross by oneself.
The first step of taking care of children easily and scientifically is to start with Lego.
Why are all Baby Angels in other people's homes? It's not that it's hard to bring a baby, but.