Love you this sentence, perhaps in the heart is difficult to open.
"the man who will send you these three sentences on Wechat really loves you."
The sweat and hard work of women should be seen.
A really good man never helps a woman with housework
After middle age, let go of face, simplify the circle, take good care of health, and run a family.
When you reach middle age, don't turn your life backwards.
Accept yourself as you are, welcome it, face it, and you will be able to tide over the difficulties of life smoothly.
The best blessing for a woman: plump
Busy time orderly, leisure time fun, is the best state of life.
You are not doing well because you are too idle.
It is better to make it right than to make it right. Let's see if your baby is right.
Don't let children lose in the "nutrition starting line", 90% of parents ignore this point!
The flowers are really similar year after year, but different from year to year!
The Spring Festival was only called the Spring Festival 30 years ago, but now it can only be regarded as a holiday at best.